Thursday 19 December 2013

MDG Study Visit to Burundi: First Hand Development Experience for Young Romanians, Czechs and Bulgarians

From November 24 to 2 December 2013, a group of 24 trained facilitators and the coordination team took part in a study visit organized in Burundi within the project “8 Goals…We Act!” which is implemented by Partners’ Foundation for Local Development (Romania) in partnership with Partners Czech (Czech Republic), YMCA (Bulgaria) and FOCODE: Forum pour la Conscience et le DĂ©vĂ©loppement (Burundi).

The project is co-financed by EuropeAid and it aims at using participatory, transformative and empowering methods to facilitate the engagement of young people in addressing development issues in their local surroundings and abroad, in developing countries. The 24 young facilitators are currently enrolled in master programs relevant for the topic of the Millenium Development Goals and have been trained on facilitation techniques in October 2013 in order to be able to design and conduct participatory processes aimed at promoting the achievement of the MDGs.

The study visit in Burundi was essential to breaking stereotypes about Africa, to understanding and documenting living conditions and development issues in an African country and to building bridges with local communities and organizations through meeting with different civil society associations working on achieving the MDGs in Burundi, discussing with staff and beneficiaries and visiting projects and services developed by these organizations.

More outcomes, testimonials as well as educational materials developed by the 24 facilitators will be available in January 2014 on the project’s platform:

In the photo: Participants of the Study Visit to Burundi (by Partners’ Foundation for Local Development)

Information provided by Partners’ Foundation for Local Development (Romania)


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